What if my seller needs to complete an addendum in addition to the Seller's Disclosure Notice?

What if my seller needs to complete an addendum in addition to the Seller's Disclosure Notice?

Each state has their own set of available forms, and in most states, the agent selects which form(s) to send to the seller to complete when sending the invite. 

Click here to view the available forms for your state: Available forms by state


In Maryland, agents will not see an option to select forms when sending the invite. 

Home Sellers are required to select if they would like to complete the Disclaimer Statement or the Disclosure Statement and will be given the option when accessing their account. They will also be asked if the property was built before 1978, and if so, the Lead-Based Paint Addendum will be included for your seller to complete. 


In Texas, if you are connected to a partner brokerage, your account will follow the pre-determined form settings that your broker has designated. 

If you are not connected to a partnered brokerage or your brokers form preference it to allow agents to choose, you will have the following options when sending the invite to your seller: 

If you select "let my seller choose" your seller will be given the option to choose between the TREC and TXR disclosure form when they access their account. 

Brokers have the ability to choose one of the following options: 

- TXR form sent automatically to every home seller 

- TREC form sent automatically to every home seller 

- Allow sellers to choose 

- Allow agents to choose the form on each invite 

Both form options (TXR/ TREC), include additional addenda that will automatically be included based on how the seller answers the questions that require those addenda. For example, if your seller answers "yes" to "was the property built before 1978?", then the Lead-Based Paint Addendum will automatically be included for your seller to complete. 

Addenda included with TXR:

- Information on Lead-Based Paint and Lead-Based Paint Hazards Addendum

- Addendum for Property in a Propane Gas System Service Area

- Information about On-site Sewer Facility 

Addenda included with TREC: 
- Information on Lead-Based Paint and Lead-Based Paint Hazards Addendum

- Addendum for Property in a Propane Gas System Service Area

Additional addendum available to send by request: 

- Addendum Containing Notice of Obligation to Pay Improvment District (PID) 

Because we do not have a way to know if a property is in a PID, you will receive an email after you submit an invite asking if your seller needs to complete it. If they do not, please disregard. If you would like for us to send the PID, please respond back and we will happliy send the form to your home seller. 

For information on how to determine if your seller's property is in a PID, please view this legal memo from TXR: 


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